Coconut Oil is the Answer to ALL of Your Problems

Coconut oil is so under appreciated that I decided to dedicate a whole category for all things coconut oil and its uses. Just like lavender, coconut oil can actually do anything. Hypothetically, you could sauté some vegetables with coconut oil, while brushing your teeth with coconut oil, while timing how long your coconut oil hair mask should stay in, while scrubbing the tile grout with coconut oil all at the same time. One oil that can do it all.

Coconut oil is a NATURAL moisturizer, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. So if you’re new to the wonderful world of coconut oil, this is a good place to start. It’s important to know what to look for when it comes to good quality.

Know what’s out there:

  • Unrefined: This is sometimes referred to as “virgin” coconut oil. This is the coconut oil that has not gone through any additional processes before being sealed. This will have the natural coconut smell and taste mainly noticeable in cooking and when applied topically. This type of coconut oil retains all nutrients essential to being so versatile and miraculous.
  • Refined: This coconut oil has gone through addition processes that take out the natural coconut smell and taste. The refining process does reduce the amount of nutrients available, thus making it less effective than unrefined coconut oil.


Start small but aim big with your new knowledge of the O so glorious coconut oil!


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